Tumbling and Cheer Practice

Yesterday was my last gymnastics class at Cassel for the summer and I’m really sad it’s over. I didn’t quite get all the skills I wanted but I did make a lot of progress towards those skills. (At my old age, things don’t happen overnight.) This is what I accomplished: I almost have my standing … Continue reading

Back Handsprings: Landing on Your Feet

I’ve seen some pretty interesting back handspring landings, from landing on knees to landing in a push up position. Both these awkward landings stem from the same issue; lack of ab muscle, don’t worry it is fixable. Handstand snap downs will help a lot. Kick up to a handstand, absorb with your shoulders and arch your … Continue reading

Tumbling Progress

I feel like every year tumbling is more and more a part of cheerleading, we’re constantly pushing to the next level and adding more tumbling to routines. My personal opinion is that when we cut out some stunts to have more tumbling we’re taking away from the cheerleading-ness of the routine because stunting IS cheerleading and … Continue reading

Going Backwards

Yesterday someone found my blog by searching “how to get comfortable going backwards in tumbling” (or something to that effect). Here’s what I have to say about that: First I want to acknowledge that whoever asked is probably a good front tumbler and in my opinion that’s WAY harder and it looks really cool. So … Continue reading

Shortcuts to Cheerleading

In the seven months that I’ve been operating this blog there’s been a lot of people that have found it through searching things like “how to get a back walkover in a week” and “shortcuts to a back handspring” and “how to get better jumps quick.” After I see stuff like that is when you … Continue reading

Greed & Cheerleading

One of the most irritating things about competitive/all-star cheerleading is that there are 66 “national” competitions a year. Did you know that Varsity owns every single company that puts on ALL of these competitions and they are reaping the rewards. I found an article last night call “Cheeramid: The Ultimate Ponzi Scheme” and that story … Continue reading

Pushing Through the Pain

First of all, Happy 4th of July, I hope you have an awesome day! 🙂 The last post that I wrote was called Get Right Back Up, but I don’t know if I really drove my point home. I mean get up and do what has to be done no matter what (with in reason). … Continue reading

Get Right Back Up

We all fall from time to time, or have someone fall on us. The most irritating thing is when there is a fall or a slip or an awkward/scary catch/save in a stunt and then everyone decides that they shouldn’t do that stunt anymore or they should wait awhile to do it again. I understand … Continue reading


It seems like every team has an array of fundraisers every year, because let’s face it, cheerleading isn’t cheap. You’ve got to buy shoes, uniforms, bows, make-up,and lots of hair spray. Not to mention paying for camp, camp clothes, coreography, coaches fees, and travel expenses. Lets add up those costs: Shoes: $60 Uniform: $200 Bows: $15 … Continue reading

June Practice: Day 2

On day two we pretty much did all the same things as day one, the main difference was that everyone was sore and tired. Another difference is that I didn’t get stepped on, so that was a good thing, but that didn’t stop me from getting two black eyes from Wednesday’s practice… We also worked … Continue reading